Courier Service
Fast & Secure Bullet
  • Delivery of documents/cargo across India.
  • International Courier and Cargo Services.
  • Bulk Deliveries
  • Massive network strength through alliances/partnerships based on strengths in regions.
  • Technology support for providing online tracking, POD, NDR.
  • Aggressive competitive pricing.
  • One stop solution for all logistics and courier requirements.
  • International representative office.
  • A sonic document delivery system solely designed for the “Time sensitive customer”.
  • No matter the size or business of the institution, various companies stand to greatly benefit from our ability to deliver shipments between major cities within UAE in 3 hours.

Delivery Bulk
  • A pick up & delivery of shipments done within 24hours for all major cities.
  • We offer bulk deliveries for Credit Cards, Cheque, Application forms, Invoices, Promotional material, Invitations and more.
Track Your Courier
Track Your TNT Courier
Track Your DHL Courier
Track Your Blue Dart Courier
Track Your UPS Courier
Track Your Fedex Courier Track Your Aramex Courier
Track Your UBX Courier  
Cargo Services